Use Parachute Number Games to get your children outside in the fresh air having the best of fun with parachutes and numbers. We love parachutes at MPT because it is so hard not to smile while you do these activities. It is great for wellbeing and an amazing way to engage children that like to learn practically and visually.
Here are three tp tip parachute games for early years outdoors:
- Take it out in all weathers. When the weather is nice, stay outside and go on top. In rainy weather go inside it. Do circle time in there will be the best circle time you have ever done!
- Do not use it for just the little ones, the big ones love it too. Parachutes are a time to let go, have fun and be a kid!
- Use it as an outdoor canopy. Use pegs and let it bring colour to your outdoor space.
Our muddy puddle ideas are going to give you many interactive ways to make the learning fun and memorable. Our plans help with curiosity and in the moment planning.
We support all curriculums including the early years foundation stage, national curriculum and curriculum for excellence.
If you are wanting more support on maths there are now some excellent schemes to support ssuch as Carol Vordemans maths.
Making maths fun is integral if we want children to grow into enthustasic, confident, knowledgable mathmaticians. Go on, tr it the muddy way!
See our full maths range here