Phase Two Phonics Planning – Muddy Phonics
Use Phase Two Phonics Planning to get your phonics muddy. All lessons can be adapted for indoor use also if needs to be taken in but for 20 minutes each day, this may be the perfect way to get outside and active. Based around the Letters and Sounds Programme.
Included is:
Set : s a t p
Set : i n m d
Set : g o c k
Set : ck e u r
Set : h b f, ff l, ll ss
No additional resources will be needed, children will learn to use rocks and other materials to get outside and muddy. There are plenty of outdoor learning opportunities for phonics outside and this very visula and practical method can make the most reluctant blossom in this area.
For other phonics resources, head to the Muddy Phonics area.
To embed your outdoor phonics inside try some of these free games to help support.