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The Muddy Philosophy

Opening the doors to a more engaging, active and innovative curriculum with outdoor learning! At The Muddy Puddle Teacher, we know not all learning can happen outdoors and there’s a place for indoor learning within education. However, we believe that a lot of the National Curriculum and EYFS is remembered more effectively in an outdoor environment. The Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach is cross-curricula, engaging & inclusive for all children. Importantly, our approach also supports educators in delivering effective teaching in an outdoor environment. Designed to take minimal time to prep and clear up, it’s appropriate for both large classes and small groups. It requires minimal resources, provides rich outdoor learning experiences and connects children with nature. Above all, it practises proper environmental methods and nurtures the children’s wellbeing. Consequently, The Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach provides all of this and still meets the educator’s requirements for learning.

Why take learning outdoors?

There’s no denying that the education system is under a huge strain. Children as young as four are experiencing mental health issues. Childhood obesity is at the highest levels it’s ever been with support stretched and budgets  continually cut. These difficulties, coupled with a restrictive curriculum and demands for results-led teaching steers teachers towards delivering ‘safe’, passive classroom learning. As a result, we, at The Muddy Puddle Teacher, believe it’s time for educational settings to make some changes. In other words, to commit to an active education that supports the holistic well-being of all children, gifting them with high self-esteem, knowledge and good health! We know from experience that this happens when you take the curriculum outside and use nature as inspiration. Our approach is manageable, flexible, accessible. Furthermore, it resolves the issues around obesity, mental health and motivation to learn, without abandoning the school curriculum. Educators need to learn a new way of bringing the fun back into education! It’s not just a UK issue, with educators from the U.S.A, Australia, Canada and many other countries reporting similar issues worldwide.

Here with you and for you

However, we also recognise that we cannot just send educators outside and expect them to deliver a cross-curricula, engaging, collaborative programme of outdoor learning. We understand that it’s not that easy. The outdoor environment requires a completely different style of teaching. Likewise, there are challenges around weather, changing seasons and the need for waterproof resources. You’ll need to educate parents as well as plan and assess. Add to this the challenge that some children just don’t know how to behave outside – you can begin to see why educators choose to remain indoors. At The Muddy Puddle Teacher, we provide all of information, training, advice and resources you’ll need to get started in outdoor learning. Every member of the Muddy Team is or has been a teacher. Everything is designed with educators’ needs in mind, making sure everything is straightforward for settings to implement. Our wealth of experience in delivering outdoor learning means that we will support and guide you through all of your challenges. As you begin to take your learning outdoors, you’ll begin to witness its benefits. As a result, you’ll develop an instinct for delivery, connect deeply with your class and feel more energised and refreshed in yourself! The Muddy Puddle Teacher ® An outdoor teaching approach created by teachers for teachers Reduce overall teacher workload | Make outdoor learning manageable | Enjoy the physical and mental well-being benefits for teacher and child Teacher Training | Teaching resources | School Consultation