Year-long Weather Spotter

Year-long Weather Spotter

Use Year long weather spotter to help children recognise and describe weather that happens all around them throughout...

Label a Plant

Label a Plant

Use this marvellous resource to help the children Label a plant and embed their knowledge of plants and planting in...

Phase Two Phonics Nature Posters

Phase Two Phonics Nature Posters

Use these phase two phonics nature posters to get more authentic and in context pictures for children to relate their...

Label the parts of a Sunflower

Label the parts of a Sunflower

Join in on Sunflower Day and use this resource to help children label the parts of a plant. Outdoor STEM is a powerful...

Muddy Science Day (Parent Letter)

Muddy Science Day (Parent Letter)

Use Muddy Science Day (Parent Letter) to inform parents about this special day. Part of the children’s curriculum is...

KS1 Home Learning Pack

KS1 Home Learning Pack

Use KS1 Home Learning Pack to help parents get their children out in active and fun ways while still embedding...

eBook Phase 3 – Book 1 (jvwx)

eBook Phase 3 – Book 1 (jvwx)

Use the eBook Phase 3 - Book 1 to practice these sounds jvwx.  This is an interactive book that the children will...