Bug Spotter Template

Bug Spotter Template

Use this bug spotter sheet to get your class outside muddya nd messy! Supports the new EYFS curriculum.

Year-long Weather Spotter

Year-long Weather Spotter

Use Year long weather spotter to help children recognise and describe weather that happens all around them throughout...

Label a Plant

Label a Plant

Use this marvellous resource to help the children Label a plant and embed their knowledge of plants and planting in...

Label the parts of a Sunflower

Label the parts of a Sunflower

Join in on Sunflower Day and use this resource to help children label the parts of a plant. Outdoor STEM is a powerful...

Muddy Science Day (Parent Letter)

Muddy Science Day (Parent Letter)

Use Muddy Science Day (Parent Letter) to inform parents about this special day. Part of the children’s curriculum is...