Use Year long weather spotter to help children recognise and describe weather that happens all around them throughout...
Label a Plant
Use this marvellous resource to help the children Label a plant and embed their knowledge of plants and planting in...
Lesson 1: Labelling parts of a bird
Labelling part of the bird will help your children better understand these beautiful animals. This forms part of the...
Farm Park Resource (Footprint Spotter Sheet)
Going on a Farm Park Trip? Use Farm Park Resource (Footprint Spotter Sheet) to get your class outside, in the mud and...
Muddy Phonics Phase One Planning Unit
Muddy Phonics Phase One Planning (Scheme of work) will help you make that muddy step to take more of your phonics...
Early Years Planting Calendar
Use the Early Years PLanting calendar to get a fun and organised planner to help you plant various plants if you are...
Set Up a Nature Club
Always wanted to set up an afterschool nature club? Well, this pack will help you! It gives you all the tips you need,...
Phase Two Phonics Nature Posters
Use these phase two phonics nature posters to get more authentic and in context pictures for children to relate their...
Forest School Cooking Recipes – Open Fire/BBQ
Use Forest School Cooking Recipes - Open Fire/BBQ to get a list of our favourite recipes separated into outdoor...
Outdoor Science Experiments (KS2) Ideas Pack
Outdoor Science Experiment (KS2) is a fun and active pack that will embed nature and have the children working...
Fireworks KS2
Use Fireworks KS2 to get bonfire night outside and active this year! This pack is full of innovative outdoor learning...
Muddy 500 Challenge (Resource Pack)
The Muddy Challenge 500 is a new initiative launching in September 2021 - this is the full pack and can be accessed by...
Place Value of a 3 Digit Number
Place Value of a 3 Digit Number is a lesson plan that will help KS2 outdoor learning look easy! Simply get out of the...
Teddy Bears Picnic Ideas pack (Tots)
Use Teddy Bears Picnic Ideas pack for Tots to get this much-loved song and story outside the Muddy Puddles Way! EYFS...
Sunflower Day Certificate
Use this Sunflower Day Certificate to award the child that grows the largest sunflower. Do not forget to also apply...
Label the parts of a Sunflower
Join in on Sunflower Day and use this resource to help children label the parts of a plant. Outdoor STEM is a powerful...
Sunflower Day: How to Plant a Sunflower Seed (Instructions)
Join in with Sunflower Day and use Plant a Sunflower Seed (Instructions) to make life easier for you and to embed some...
Sunflower Day Growth Chart KS2
Enjoy using this KS2 Growth Chart resource on Sunflower Day so that the children can record the height and observe...