Filling up a wellbeing bucket could not be more perfect for The Muddy Puddle Teachers. We are all about wellbeing and...
Setting up an outdoor classroom (Handout)
Use Setting up an outdoor classroom to help create an outdoor space that is practical, easy to use and nurtures your...
Parachute Number Games
Use Parachute Number Games to get your children outside in the fresh air having the best of fun with parachutes and...
Mud and Sand Play Ideas
Use Mud and Sand play ideas to get more of the in the moment ideas across that will draw your curiosity in your...
*FREE*Upcycled Role Play – Tots
Use Upcycled Role Play - Tots to help add some drama into your provisions. Upcycling teaches children how to respect...
Positive teaching to support behaviour
Use Positive teaching to support behaviour to help fine tune your own way to teach that could have a massive impact on...
Teaching social skills outdoors
Use Teaching social skills outdoors ideas pack to help children learn and master social skills in natural...
Y6 Properties of Shape (Outdoors)
Use Y6 Properties of Shape (Outdoors) to help take Year 6 learning outside. Outdoor Learning KS2 has never been...
*FREE*Crafting with upcycled materials
Use Crafting with upcycled materials to appreciate the joys and creativity that can be gained from your junk. It is a...
Muddy Elf (Nursery&School Pack)
Use this incredibly, innovative and creative Muddy Elf Ideas Pack to get your children outside every day enjoying an...
Muddy Safety Rules (Poster)
Use Muddy Safety Rules to help put a safety policy in place that children can refer too. It is important that children...
*FREE*Outdoor Mark Making Lesson Plan
Use Outdoor Mark Making Lesson Plan to engage children with the very important phase of using their hands to make...
*FREE*10-minute brain breaks LKS2
Use 10 minute brain breaks LKS2 to help the older children to get some fresh air, have some fun and revisit and revise their learning.
Phase One Aspect 1/2/3
Use Phase One Aspect 1/2/3 to teach the first three aspect of this very important phase and of course it is done using the Muddy Puddle way!
10 minute active games KS1
Use 10 minute active games KS1 to get your class out in all weathers for ten muddy minutes. Improve behaviour and keep your classroom active.
Upskill on Natural Resources
Use Upskill on Natural Resources as part of your stage two training process. A great CD top up and refresher on its own.
*FREE*Counting in Negative Numbers
Use Counting in Negative Numbers to help children practice and use this skill through mastery and the outdoors.
*FREE*First day back Lesson Plan
Use First day back Lesson Plan to settle your children back in the Muddy Way and to focus on friendship.