On today's must-have outdoor learning podcast we have the wonderfully inspiring Greg Bottrill who has come on the show...
Muddy Phonics Phase One Planning Unit
Muddy Phonics Phase One Planning (Scheme of work) will help you make that muddy step to take more of your phonics...
Phase Two Phonics Nature Posters
Use these phase two phonics nature posters to get more authentic and in context pictures for children to relate their...
*FREE* Daily Outdoor Challenges EYFS | Nature Theme
Daily Outdoor Challenges EYFS Nature Theme! Let the Muddy Puddle Teachers help you with the lockdown and get free...
Filling up a Wellbeing Bucket (Early Years Outdoors)
Filling up a wellbeing bucket could not be more perfect for The Muddy Puddle Teachers. We are all about wellbeing and...
*FREE*Upcycled Role Play – Tots
Use Upcycled Role Play - Tots to help add some drama into your provisions. Upcycling teaches children how to respect...
Horrible Halloween Lesson Ideas Pack
Use our Horrible Halloween Ideas Pack to get lots of ideas and ways to make Halloween special in your class.
Halloween Trick or Treat Lesson Plan
Use Halloween Trick or Treat Lesson Plan to get role play, speech and language into one outdoor learning lesson!
Jacob the Ninja EBook
Use Jacob the Ninja to encourage comprehension skills ina rather unique and muddy way. Take it outdoors and watch hthis area develop.
Counting in 10’s and 5’s EBook
Use Board Game Counting in 10s & 5s and have fun while using mastery to practice counting. Go outside with a device and all you need to take is a dice!
Outdoor Learning P4C EYFS | Muddy English
The Muddy Walk & Talk
Another one of our inspiring methods to get children to open up and talk