Use First day back Lesson Plan to settle your children back in the Muddy Way and to focus on friendship.
*FREE*Sharing Lesson Plan
Use Sharing Lesson Plans to get the best out of your class in an active, natural way.
Up-cycling Small World Play
Use Up-cycling Small World Play to help your baby and tot enjoy some free and creative learning.
Tots First Week Back
Use Tots First Week Back to help you generate ideas that will help the littles ones settle in and get the most out of...
Happy Toes (Sensory Ideas Pack)
A strategy to help children open up and talk
Happy Hands Wellbeing Method (All ages)
A speech and language method to help children open up and talk
Muddy Wellbeing Circle (All ages)
A Muddy method to help children open up and talk
Outdoor Circle Time ideas pack
Babies & Tots Gross Motor Skills
Outdoor Yoga for children (All ages)
Traditionally Yoga has always been done outdoors. In the fresh air where nature can reinforce your breathing and nurture your inner calm. Use this pack for some child-orientated muddy ideas that will support mental and physical well-being.
The Muddy Walk & Talk
Another one of our inspiring methods to get children to open up and talk