Mood Leaves Use this natural and nurturing lesson plan and let nature help the children to connect with their...
Gardening Therapy
Gardening Therapy Use Gardening Therapy to help the therapeutic magic of nature calm emotions and strengthen...
Focused Feet Barefoot Therapy
Focused Feet Barefoot Therapy One of the easiest ways to improve our well-being is simply to remove our shoes!...
Positive teaching to support behaviour
Use Positive teaching to support behaviour to help fine tune your own way to teach that could have a massive impact on...
Teaching social skills outdoors
Use Teaching social skills outdoors ideas pack to help children learn and master social skills in natural...
Muddy Elf (Nursery&School Pack)
Use this incredibly, innovative and creative Muddy Elf Ideas Pack to get your children outside every day enjoying an...
Outdoor SEND Care Plan
Use Outdoor SEND Care Plan to help children with individual needs access Outdoor Learning safely. Muddy Puddles has the complete package to support any needs you may have when learning outside. As well as our Outdoor SEND care plan check out our dedicated SEND area.
Dealing with Transition
Use this delightfully muddy pack of ideas to make transition week the best fun. Use the outside space to help children get to know each other, you and the class
Outdoor Strategies to Support Dyslexia
Use Outdoor Strategies to Support Dyslexia and learn how to use the outdoor space to help dyslexic children channel their talents & flourish.
Using the Outdoors to Support EAL
Using the Outdoors to Support EAL will help you use Outdoor Learning to engage conversation, learn new words and draw...
Garden Therapy for Behaviour Management
Use this powerful resource to help children who need calming support to better manage their behaviour. Garden therapy is a great way to let nature soothe the soul.
Outdoor Learning for Autism (nurture group ideas)
Use Autism nurture group pack to help take your nurture group outside using specific activities to best support your Autistic children.
Outdoor Learning for Children with Dyspraxia (Ideas pack)
Helping Children With Dyspraxia To Achieve Outside.
Outdoor Learning to support anger (Mindfulness Activities to Calm Emotions)
Mindfulness Activities to Calm Emotions – Special Needs – All ages
Outdoor Learning for Special Needs – Superhero Day
Superhero Day SEND.
Outdoor Learning for ASD (Ideas Pack)
ASD Ideas Pack for Outdoor Learning
Outdoor Learning and Sensory support (For Issues with Mud and Germs)
Sensory support for Issues with Mud and Germs.