Label the parts of a Sunflower

Label the parts of a Sunflower

Join in on Sunflower Day and use this resource to help children label the parts of a plant. Outdoor STEM is a powerful...

Sunflower Day Growth Chart KS2

Sunflower Day Growth Chart KS2

Enjoy using this KS2 Growth Chart resource on Sunflower Day so that the children can record the height and observe...

World Tiger Day EYFS

World Tiger Day EYFS

World Tiger Day EYFS by Muddy Teacher Beth World tiger day is a very important day to raise awareness of the beautiful...

Muddy Safety Rules (Poster)

Muddy Safety Rules (Poster)

Use Muddy Safety Rules to help put a safety policy in place that children can refer too. It is important that children...

Creating an Outdoor Classroom

Creating an Outdoor Classroom

Use Creating an Outdoor Classroom as part of a document needed to complete stage one of the MPT approach training. Our...

Upskill on Natural Resources

Upskill on Natural Resources

Use Upskill on Natural Resources to help you get better at using natural resources found outside to teach subjects...