Use learning Ideas for the Hot Tub and watch how fun learning can be done when done the Muddy Way. Ideal for parents at home.
KS2 Easter Art
Encourage those budding artists to take their art outside using natural resources. Use Easter ART KS2 to get creative with Easter.
KS2 Earth Day
Use this resource, jamp packed with ideas to help with innovative, kind to the Earth ideas to inspire the next generation.
KS1 Creation story
Why not try Outdoor Learning Creation Story to get your RE lessons more active, outside, muddy and messy! This pack is full of innovative ideas you will not get anywhere else!
EYFS Earth Day
Earth Day EYFS
EYFS Superhero Day
Superhero Day EYFS
30 KS1 Outdoor Activities
Use 30 Muddy Infants Activities to get your infant outside doing all the things kids should be doing and making memories.
*FREE*30 Tots Outdoor Learning Activities (Home or Nursery pack)
Use 30 Muddy Tot Activities to tick off daily activities that will take you and your tots outside, making memories and learning.
Progress tracker – Outdoor Learning Assessment grid (whole school)
Progress Tracker – all ages
Outdoor Sample Lesson Plan – Planning
Sample Lesson Plan – Planning
Outdoor care plan (Individual and SEND)
Outdoor care plan
Outdoor Learning Goal Setting
Use the Muddy Goal Setting to help you set targets and plan for developing your outdoor space.
Trampoline Learning
Bring a Stick to School Day School Pack.
Bring a Stick to School Day (Whole School Pack)
Bring a Stick to School Day School Pack.
Cardboard Chaos Day (Whole School Pack)
Do you want to shed some light on imagination and creativity skills in your school? This pack will help you set up, organise, engage parents, give key stage ideas so you can make the most out of World Cardboard Chaos Day on 13th January 2020. Or do it another day!
Acts of Kindness Week
Use Acts of Kindness activity pack to get your whole school engaged in ways they can be more kind to their friends, community and wider world such as nature and wildlife.
Staff Wellbeing Course
Outdoor Wellness Course.
Outdoor Learning & Me (Class Presentation for all ages)
Use Group Handbook if you have purchased a group subscription and want to know the easy way to get this approach set up and working the most successful way.