Use Muddy Safety Rules to help put a safety policy in place that children can refer too. It is important that children...
Rock Safety Video
Use our Rock Safety Video to teach the children how to use rocks safely.
Stick Safety Video – For Kids
Use this Stick Safety Video to help learn the special Muddy Rhyme we use to keep stick play are and fun!
Outdoor Learning Parent Safety Information Sheet
Use our Outdoor Learning Parent Safety Information Sheet to help update your parents on safe, fun routines when out and about.
Outdoor Learning Parent Consent Form
Use our Parent Consent Form to inform and get permission from parents to use our much loved outdoor learning approach.
Outdoor Learning COVID Support Pack
Let us help with our Outdoor Learning COVID Support Pack to give you guidance and reassurance of best practice when outside.
Muddy Promise (Behaviour Policy- all ages)
Safety when outdoors is something we now have to teach children as there spending less and less time out there. Use some of our Muddy Rules, tried and tested tips, to keep the learning fun and safe.
Muddy Safety Rules
Safety when outdoors is something we now have to teach children as there spending less and less time out there. Use some of our Muddy Rules, tried and tested tips, to keep the learning fun and safe.
Outdoor Learning Safety Games ( All ages )
Use the Muddy Risk assessment as a sample and starting point.
Outdoor Learning Risk Assessing (Risk-benefit form)
Use the Muddy Risk assessment as a sample and starting point.